Did you Know?

Most visitors come to Palau for its amazing diving, but Palau also has a very rich culture and history hidden in the jungle among the Rock Islands and Babeldoab.
Ancient rock paintings can be found but are often very difficult to access, located on overhanging cliff faces, on the Rock Islands. The two main sites are White Face, close to the Malakal Light House; as well as in Ulong Island. There are still archaeologists still trying to figure out their meaning and who has put them there.

Humans have inhabited Palau for some 4,000 years but even now very little is known about their origin and structures like the mysterious stone Monoliths and stone carved faces on Palau´s Babeldoab Island. Other than a variety of mythical legends, such as people being turned into stones, the purpose of these monoliths are unknown.

Stone pathways and platforms can be found all over Palau and its Islands. Most of the traditional villages on Babeldaob Island were connected by centenarian stone roads.
Next time you visit Palau, why not explore and visit some of these ancient sites on your last day in Palau while you are getting rid of the bubbles before getting into the airplane. Palau has more to offer than you think. NECO Marine provides cultural trips with local guides who are eager to show you their culture and heritage.

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